Wednesday, November 24, 2010

egg breakfast sandwich

this is what i normally eat for breakfast if i have everything on hand.  it is also easy and fast so i can make it while i am getting ready for school in the morning.  i use Ezekiel 4:9 bread, toast it while i am cooking the egg (over medium), spread hummus on the toast when it pops, then put slices of avocado on top of the hummus, and then the egg right on top when it is cooked.  this time i had it with a side of blackberries to round it out and of course some coffee :) 

i used to hate runny eggs of any sort, and would cook the life out of mine any time i would eat them.  but a couple of summers ago i was in New York with my dad and had eggs Benedict for the first time at a great little restaurant and it was amazing.  since then, i love having the yolks run.  it is amazing to me how food preferences can change over time, even if a certain one has been ingrained since childhood. this just reinforces the idea that i should always try new things, food and otherwise.

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